What are the states of sending?

The sending goes through several stages (states):

  • 0: Waiting - The request has been queued and waiting for processing
  • 1: Sending - The request has been accepted for processing. At this stage, a transaction is formed and signed
  • 2: Error - The request was NOT processed. Processing is stopped and will be resumed only after manually restarting
  • 3: Sent - The request has been sent to the network. At this point, the transaction is accepted by the node and should be placed to mempool
  • 4: Unknown - The transaction was not found in mempool (lost). Funds NOT spent and returned to address balance
  • 5: Canceled - Request canceled manually. Processing is permanently stopped and cannot be resumed
  • 8: Confirmation [0] - The transaction was found in mempool, it has the status pending and expects to be included in the block
    Confirmation [1] .. [11] - Transaction confirmed X times. This means it was included in the block and after this block there are X-1 blocks
  • 9: Confirmed - Transaction confirmed 12 times or more. Sending completed
Normally, the request must go through the stages: 0 - 1 - 3 - 8 - 9